One step forward – reflections on 2020

We have had a humbling and positive year – supported by our incredible regional team

Growing fresh produce in Belarus

Growing fresh fruit and veg in orphanages in Belarus

Shoeboxes in a pandemic

Despite the challenges, 48,756 Christmas gifts were sent to children and families overseas.

30 Years of joy

12th December 2020, marks 30 years since the first convoy left Wrexham

Our Lockdown Response

How we're dealing with lockdown 2.0

Teams4U Face Masks for sale

Support us whilst keeping safe from Covid.

Can you Sponsor a Shoebox?

Not got time or unable to make a shoebox? *Please note all donations now will

Virtual Coffee & Cake 2020

Our Annual Coffee & Cake Tour has moved online...

Emergency Covid Response

To help over 11,000 people we need more than £5,000. Can you help us?

UK Aid Provide 20 Wash Stations

We've been funded to improve hand washing in Uganda.