Tackling the spread of Covid-19 in Sierra Leone

Teams4u received a request last week from Helga Sellu, our partner in the Koindu region

Tackling the spread of Covid-19 in Uganda

We know that the best course of defense against SARS-CoV-2 is washing our hands thoroughly

Stuck at home?

We’ve loved hearing from many of you these last few days with stories and photos

COVID-19 Update

We are all heading into uncertain times and it's difficult to know what the next

Develop with Dignity – 2020 update

Investing in ending Period Poverty, supporting Education and improving Sanitation.

A year in review

2019 was a big year for Teams4U, from new vocational centres opened in Sierra Leone

Update: 2019 Shoebox appeal

64,061 shoeboxes! 12,000 more boxes than 2018. Thank you for another phenomenal year.

WASH sanitation update

Our handwashing facilities have reduced school absence by 27%, preventing the spread of diarrheal infection.

Develop with Dignity – The Timeline so far…

Empowering school girls in their education and life choices through teaching about menstrual, reproductive and