There are many ways to volunteer with Teams4U 

Join our volunteer teams to volunteer internationally. Regional coordinators organise shoebox drop off points, volunteers, and shoebox logistics for a region in the UK. Drivers collect shoeboxes from schools and organisations and transport boxes from collection points to warehouses. In-warehouses volunteers quality-check shoeboxes, pack them or load them into lorries.

Volunteer groups help make shoeboxes all year round. Volunteers deliver school presentations telling school children about the shoebox appeal. This is a short presentation, usually during morning assembly, and Teams4U helps with providing videos and preparing for presentations. In the head office, volunteers and students on work experience help us with marketing, data analysis, communications and more. If you have a skill that you would like to volunteer, we’d love to hear from you.  

Volunteer to travel

Volunteer to join our empowerment teams.

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Volunteer in a warehouse to help process and pack shoeboxes

There are many ways to help in the shoebox campaign in a processing warehouse helping to unload, check, carton and even load the lorries heading out to Eastern Europe each November. The campaign start in  earnest every October time through to early December depending on the area and warehouse. The places can vary from someone’s house or garage up to church halls and then up to full warehouse size. Contact head office to put you in touch with your nearest regional coordinator and they will be able to tell you more.
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Volunteer as a driver

Each warehouse or processing centre needs the help of volunteers to help collect the shoeboxes and bring them back ready to be processed. Boxes are collected from Schools, Churches and other groups. All volunteers carry full ID cards issued by Teams4u when making collections. Volunteers can either collect them in their own car , van or is some cases when there are a lot to collect the warehouse will hire larger vans to make the collections.
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Volunteer to deliver school presentations

If you have been involved with Teams4u and know the power of the shoebox maybe you might like to volunteer to deliver school presentations? Schools who know about Teams4u or maybe are just curious to know more love to have people come into school and deliver a short presentation, usually at assembly time in the morning. Most schools have screens and presentation equipment and can show one of the many videos we have to show what a difference a shoebox makes! If you need help in giving a presentation then we have people here that can help you. Do get in touch!
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Data analysis of projects

There are several projects currently producing huge amounts of data, we need people who understand data analysis and management of data to help Teams4U interpret and publicise the impact via reports. This is ideally suited to post graduate students who want further experience in project analysis and report writing.
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