Who gets the shoeboxes?
Where do the shoeboxes go?
just like last year the shoeboxes will be heading to the Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Bosnia and Romania.
We work with in country partners like the Red Cross to help us find children that are most in need.
How can I get involved?
About the Shoebox Appeal
It is over 30 years since the Cooke family originated the idea of the ‘Christmas Shoebox’, asking children in the UK to fill shoeboxes with stocking fillers for Romanian orphans. In 2015, we celebrated the 25th Anniversary and returned to Cluj-Napoca, Romania to re-visit Dave’s original partner from 1990 Liviu Balas, and brought shoeboxes to the marginalised communities there. The current need is still extraordinary and the power of the shoebox has never faded.
Download resources
Download resources for the shoebox appeal, including presentations, labels, leaflets and posters