Here are a few examples of how businesses help our work. If you would like your business or workplace to support Teams4U, we’d love to hear from you.  


Enterprise are a logistics company who use some of their garages as drop-off points for shoeboxes and use their vans and drivers to transport shoeboxes. This is a huge help during the shoebox appeal and we are grateful for their assistance over the years.  

Data Pacific

Data Pacific offer IT support free of charge to Teams4U. IT is essential to our operations, and we are grateful for their top quality, reliable IT support. 


DTCC in Wrexham has chosen Teams4U as their charity of the year 2023. So far, they have done two fundraisers and will match fund all money raised over the year. We are grateful for the dedication of their staff to the work of Teams4U and their generous support this year.  

We appreciate your contributions

Several companies donate good quality items that they cannot sell or customer returns to put in shoeboxes, items such as tennis balls or football shirts. Children love these items. 

Charity Days

Many local charities choose Teams4U for their annual charity day. Staff teams have one workday a year to work in the warehouse checking shoeboxes together. Staff have a great time and help us check tens of thousands of boxes each year. 

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