Can you help safeguard the health of 11,200 people as they go about their daily lives accessing essential services in communities in Uganda and Sierra Leone?
As you know we have been fundraising for our Covid-response in Uganda and Sierra Leone, investing in soap manufacturing and providing hand-washing stations to health clinics and other key-workers. The full project will cost just over £15,000. Previous fundraising and successful grant applications from DFID and Wales & Africa has brought in just short of £10,000.
What will the funding go towards?
We are looking to provide 22 non-private health facilities, including Kumi’s hospital and maternity wards, with much-needed hand-washing equipment, soap, sanitiser and PPE.
COVID Situation Uganda:
Uganda is experiencing some of the harshest lockdown measures in the world. Due to lack of sanitation, soap and healthcare (e.g. in the Kumi district it is estimated that 60% of households don’t own a hand-washing facility; and there are only 55 functional ICU beds in the entire country), the country have imposed strict restrictions and schools have been closed to all but exam classes for nearly a year. It is estimated that these restrictions have pushed a further 3.6million Ugandans into poverty, with significant increases recorded in cases of malnutrition, anaemia and maternal death.
COVID Situation Sierra Leone:
Similar outcomes have been recorded in Sierra Leone, with restrictions on imports increasing the basic cost of living by at least 30% leaving many of the most vulnerable struggling to eat. There are also now serious concerns about recent outbreaks of Cholera in rural communities, and Ebola in neighbouring country, Guinea.