Author Archives: TMS4Udesigner

Investing in Period-Positive Schools

Protecting lives and safeguarding futures through supporting girls in schools

Investing in Water

Putting access to water at the heart of Hospitals and Health Centres

Hear from our Partners:

Our partners share their stories of how our projects have shaped and grown throughout the

Helping pupils return to class

Protecting lives and safeguarding futures through supporting pupils to return to school

Providing Life-Saving Water

Putting access to water at the heart of Hospitals and Health Centres

A Gift in Hard Times

This Christmas our Shoebox Appeal is spreading joy to children in difficult situations around the

Our Dignity program in Sierra Leone breaks new ground

Providing a safe place for Girls to learn about their bodies.

Shoeboxes 2021 Launch!

Teams4U is proud to announce the launch of our Christmas shoebox appeal 2021! Join our

Turning the Spotlight on Menstrual Health

Menstrual Hygiene Day is globally recognised every year on 28th May. But what are we

Tackling Hospital Hygiene

Putting access to water at the heart of Hospitals and Health Centres