And That’s a Wrap 🎁

Shoebox records broken!

We are absolutely delighted to announce that we have collected more shoeboxes across the UK than ever before. Thank you!

Nearly all your boxes are now on their way to Bosnia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Romania.

Boxes to Romania

One of our first lorries to leave went from Evesham on Saturday 27th November, carrying 9,084 precious shoeboxes, destined for Arad and Oradea, Western Romania.

Last week our partner Raul Gherle, accompanied by our Trustees Paul Jeanes and Steve Hewitt, started distributing these boxes to children and families in Bihor county.
Children receiving shoeboxes in Bihor, Romania

We have one particular experience that will never leave us. We went to visit a homeless family living on a waste land previously occupied by an agricultural glasshouse, back in communist times.

Ioana, along with 2 of her children, Bianca and Radica, lived there in a shipping container next to another make-shift shelter housing her mother Simona, and her other daughter Narcisa and infant son, David.

Paul Jeanes


When we arrived the children were given shoeboxes and the delight and excitement they brought was something so special!

Whilst opening the boxes Narcisa told us her dream was to one day go to school, so she could learn to read and write, and her only other wish was to have a plastic bowl so she could wash her hair!

Steve Hewitt


A big thank you!

We will continue to update our website as more images come in from our distribution partners across Eastern Europe, but for now, we want to say a:


To everyone who has donated &/or sponsored a box, and to the hundreds of amazing volunteers who dedicate so much of their time into making the appeal happen.

These smiles are because of you!

So that’s us done until 2022?

Our Shoebox Appeal may be finished for another year, but the team at Teams4U isn’t taking a break! Well…we are shutting the office for Christmas…but, as soon as January hits we will be working towards our other worldwide projects.

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